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New Row Primary School, Castledawson


2015/2016 School Year

21st May 2016
The Year 4 boys and girls did Miss McVey and the whole school proud today.  ...
19th May 2016
The Eco Team and Year 7 have been busy collecting recyclable materials. The boys...
19th May 2016
On Wednesday 18th May the boys and girls from New Row played at the annual Derry...
19th May 2016
Year 7 visited Castledawson Primary School to complete Olympic lessons. With a...
18th May 2016
Year 6 have been working very hard & learning lots over the last few weeks!!
17th May 2016
The School Council organised a fantastic, fun-filled & informative week of health...
16th May 2016
Year 7 have made excellent bridges. The children planned and designed their bridges...
14th May 2016
A massive thanks to John Murtagh who visited recently to help install a water butt...
14th May 2016
On Wednesday 11th May pupils from Year 7 competed at the annual Track and Field...
13th May 2016
"Put on your sun cream for the winning team" "This is the school where the shade...