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New Row Primary School, Castledawson

Carol Service 2018

10th Dec 2018

The pupils of New Row PS Castledawson were delighted to once again be asked to join with the congregation of Church of St Patrick’s Castledawson to celebrate their annual Carol Service. Fr Des Branigan led the ceremony, with parish priest Fr John Gates and Monsignor O’Byrne also in attendance. The Year 3 pupils shared the nativity story beautifully through song, movement and dance.  Y4-7 assisted in providing the musical accompaniment to this well-told story. A full house didn’t put them off their stride!
Their performance concluded with a look back at all the things we should be thankful for in 2018 and our wishes for the future - including those for our global family. The children were a credit to all those who had helped them in their preparations.

Definitely another very positive school and community celebration - together in faith.

Credit for photos to Madeline Gribbin, Moyola Photography