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New Row Primary School, Castledawson

Celebration Day 2018: Community Mass

23rd Oct 2018

We began our celebration day with mass at 10am, celebrated by Fr Gates who was joined by past pupils of New Row PS Fr Mackle, Fr McKeever and Fr McHugh. Monsignor O’Byrne and school chaplain Fr Branigan also concelebrated the mass. Monsignor Dolan from Bellaghy assisted also, as those who travel from over the river to attend New Row PS actually reside in the parish of Bellaghy & Ballyscullion.

The pupils and their families participated in many aspects of the mass, including readings, procession of candles for all past, present and future pupils, symbols presented by staff and governors and prayers for the families of our school. The church choir joined the pupils of New Row in providing the music. The strong sense of community was evident throughout the mass, with a great sense of pride in our school family.