FoNR Coffee morning is a huge success!
Once again Friends of New Row have organised an excellent event in support of our school.
There were buns, cakes and baked goods in great number donated by families and friends to be eaten and enjoyed by the great number of visitors we welcomed after mass.
The visitors were also treated to music provided by our talented pupils. Also, four schools of dancing - McNicholl, Millar, O’Neill & Smith - were represented during a display of dancing, helping the guests get into the mood for St Patrick’s Day.
Many, many thanks go to all who baked, helped and organised behind the scenes in so many ways. Special thanks is reserved for Marie in the kitchen as without her help and cooperation events like this just wouldn’t be possible.
Special thanks to our children who came along and helped us celebrate through music, dance or by welcoming our guests.
The final total? An amazing £1162.42 raised to spend directly in the children. Well done and thanks again!
Definitely #bestsupport!