New Row Leaver Awards 2016
26th Jun 2016
We marked the end of many years at New Row or our P7 pupils this week at a special leavers' assembly. Parents and family members took a trip down memory lane and listened to the pupils hopes for the new school, as well as a review of their Year 7 year. Every child received an award to mark their particular gift, talent and achievement. This was also an opportunity to award the perpetual trophies. Mrs Graffin paid special tribute to the dedication of all staff who work so hard to ensure the children get the best possible experiences at New Row.
Father Moore Shield (Helpfulness): Ethan Craig & Orla Boyle
Theresa Halferty Cup (Creativity in the Arts): Sofia Dayag & Ellen Doyle
Canice Mullan Memorial Cup (Endeavour): Holly Cushley & Aidan McElroy
Credit Union Cup (Personality of the Year): Rachel Keenan & Ronan McCloy